Critically Endangered

These are Endemic to Liberte Bay. They live in shallow areas like coral reefs. Their numbers are so low, there may only be hundreds, though even a few thousand mature ones is a very low number for a reef fish. They are a newish species, described in 2018. I didn't see anything about them being bred for pet owners which could help save the species, as much as I hate encouraging that. Sadly, often the pet trade ends up with wild ones getting captured and passed off as wild.
My husband is watching a documentary where Ewan McGregor and his friend Charlie are taking a motorcycle trip on electric bikes. I would love to do that, but I'd probably die. I've been in cars that were hit 5 times, getting hit while on a motorcycle wouldn't be good. Plus, I'm clumsy. Even more than the fear of getting squished though, is the fact that I've got Celiac, which I truly hate. My favourite foods have always been bread, preferably sourdough, coffee, and chocolate. When I worked in Portland, I loved the fact that I could make it to this place that had fresh baked sourdough every day. I'd walk there, get bread and a cup of coffee, sometimes if I was especially hungry I would get a cup of soup, but usually a crusty sourdough roll with butter was all I wanted. The thing is, back when I thought I could eat anything, travel was a breeze. Now, I know that most places I will have to take my food with me and restaurants can be dangerous. If I get enough gluten, I will be bedridden for 3 days, which makes traveling nowhere near as fun as it can be when you are able to go out and look at stuff. I've heard that Ireland, which has the highest number of people with Celiac per capita I guess, Germany, and of all places...Italy are supposed to be countries where you should be able to find food. I have wanted to go visit Greece ever since being in Albania. Greece was where the missionaries went if they needed better healthcare. I have no idea how hard or how easy it would be to find food that I could eat safely in Greece. When I was in Albania it was before I knew I couldn't eat gluten, so honestly though I desperately want to go back, I remember everything I ate had gluten there too. If anyone reads these posts and knows what it is like to be Celiac in either of those countries, please leave a comment or email me and let me know. Obviously can't go now, or any time soon, but some day.